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新学期伊始 校长汇报最新动态

By January 3, 2020No Comments



  • 如果您有任何疑问,我们的任课教师、学业指导部、大学申请部、入学部、国际部、副校长、我本人以及其它全面照顾教育计划®团队成员都随时可以帮助您。
  • 我们希望您能获知我校一月份将实施的各项重要举措。









  • 我们很高兴与您分享:哥伦比亚国际学院在2019年10月投入使用了Northcliffe校区。该校区处于汉米尔顿风景最秀丽的区域,为我们的学生提供了绝佳的学习和生活环境。作为宿舍,它为学生提供膳宿、自习室、餐厅、室外活动空间等。
  • 我们也很高兴欢迎我们的ESL学生和初中部学生(JMS)搬到Maple校区。我们希望这种过渡能够使我们的学生做好准备,迎接未来几年的高中学术课程。


校长 Bill Ironside

副校长 Diana Reid


Dear CIC Parents,

As we begin our January semester, we wanted to open the lines of communication between our families and our school. Please know our school faculty,  guidance team, UPO team, admissions and liaison staff, our Vice Principal , myself and our total care team are always available to you should you have any questions or concerns. We want to ensure you are aware of some important information regarding our school wide initiatives beginning in January.

We are proud to share with you that before the holiday break 130 CIC graduates receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. We are proud of them and wish them well as they continue their studies across Canada, the US and the UK at post-secondary institutions.

What’s happening in January 2020?

Did you know that when your son/daughter starts their classes in January 2020 that 100% of our teachers will be using Google Classroom to support their learning? This past year our teachers have been working hardto learn how to best use the many Apps in Google Education to enhance digital learning in our classrooms; to create and collaborate on Google Docs and Slides and to better communicate your work with the teacher and classmates. We are excited.

To best prepare for Google Classroom all day, it is required that your son/daughter bring a laptop to class.The teachers will advise your son/daughter when they will be using this technology and when they are asked to focus on instruction. The teachers will using “Lids up and Lids down” to help your child understand when they are working on their laptop and when they are asked to focus on teacher led instruction. We encourage you to think about your child’s laptop as part of their uniform – they have to have it with them every day. We are asking for your support to ensure your child has the appropriate technology ready to start classes in January. Handheld devices are not suitable and will not be allowed for using Google in our classrooms in January.  Tablets such as iPads can be used, but are not recommended for Google Classroom. We are recommending a Chromebook or laptop.

In fact, Columbia International College will have an ‘Off & Away’ school wide hand phone policy beginning in January. This means that cellphones will need to be powered off and put away during class time. We understand that students will be carrying their handphone with them but when they are in our classrooms, they must be secured and put away. We believe that this will help our students focus more on their learning in our classrooms.

Finally, we would like to share some news about our campuses and residences. We are delighted to share with you that Columbia International College opened its Northcliffe Campus in October 2019.This sprawling campus is located on the Hamilton escarpment with scenic views,proving a great learning and living environment for our students. As a residence, it includes living accommodations for our students, study rooms, cafeteria, outdoor space, etc. We are also excited to welcome our ESL students and Junior Middle school students (JMS) to our Maple campus. We are hopefulthis transition will allow our students to ready themselves for our academic secondary program in future years.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Ironside & Ms. Reid

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