For the purpose of contact tracing, the ability to proactively screen for exposure, and to prevent cross contamination, we are requesting that each employee completes this short COVID-19 Symptoms Survey.

For the survey information to be the most updated, we would like you to complete the survey on a daily basis before going to work.

The survey is a way to increase and improve our screening protocols.

Please be assured that this survey will remain confidential within Human Resources and the Nurse Supervisor. Your answers will not be shared without your consent.

If our Nurse Supervisor finds some concern based on your responses:

  • You will be provided with actions to be taken.
  • You may be required to stay at home or self-isolate for up to 14-days.

Return to work decisions are made by our Nurse Supervisor:

  • in the context of local circumstances and
  • reviewed on a case-by-case basis

We are working continuously to improve our protection of the CIC community of students and employees from COVID-19. For this survey to be an effective proactive screening tool for the virus exposure, your candid answers are much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing the survey.

HR Director