Columbia International College introduces Student Wellness Kits for students.
As a new school semester starts at Columbia International College, Principal Bill Ironside, Vice Principal Diana Reid and the Medical and Wellness Department have spearheaded an initiative to aid students with their wellness. Today, every student received a Student Wellness Kit that was put together by CIC staff to help students manage stress and learn how to stay calm.
The kit came with:
- A Wellness Resource Card
- Chewing Gum
- Eye Mask
- Ear Plugs
- Stress Ball
- Calming Cards
Along with the Student Wellness Kit, students received a letter from the Principal and Vice Principal along with the Wellness Counsellors who welcomed students to CIC. Many students at CIC come from different countries which students then deal with adjustments to a new country, new culture, new language, new ways of learning and being away from friends and family. With this in mind, staff at CIC have encouraged different outlets for students to reach out to when feeling overwhelmed or simply needing someone to confide in.

Student Wellness Kit
The Student Wellness Kit aims to support students by providing them with strategies and items for calming. The resource card in the kit provides students with information on resources that are out there to support them. In addition, students can be aware that on campus there is the Medical and Wellness Department that is open for them to use. Talking about student wellness at CIC is something many of the staff are passionate about. The kit opens up a conversation on the importance of student wellness and assuring students that there are resources aimed at helping them. “We believe our new Student Wellness Kits bring some value to all students. They are intended to help everyone think about, be aware and look after their own wellness,” says Bill. “Strength in wellness equals engagements in learning.”
If students need support, please see the Wellness Counsellors who are located in the Ainsliewood Building in room 135B. Office hours are from 8:00 am- 4:30pm; Monday to Friday. Students may also book an appointment, drop-in or call ext. 2199.