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Awards Ceremony Celebrating Student Achievements in Math Competitions

By May 3, 2024May 6th, 2024No Comments

We were thrilled to host an awards ceremony yesterday, celebrating the exceptional achievements of students who participated in various math contests throughout the 2023-2024 school year and attained outstanding results.

Canadian Math open Challenge organized by Canadian Mathematical Challenge (Oct, 2023). 51 CIC students wrote the COMC, with 7 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants.

The Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests (CSMC and CIMC) organized by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo (Nov, 2023). 6 CIC students wrote the CIMC, with 4 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants; 47 CIC students wrote the CSMC, with 14 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants.

The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) organized by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo (Feb 2024). 5 CIC students wrote the Senior competition; 7 CIC students wrote the Junior competition, with 4 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants.

The Pascal, Cayley, and Fermat Math Contests organized by the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing at the University of Waterloo (Feb, 2024). 2 CIC students wrote the Pascal contest; 7 CIC students wrote the Cayley contest, with 2 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants; 10 CIC students wrote the Fermat contest, with 2 students performing in the top 25% of all contestants.

For students who wrote Euclid Math Contest in April, 2024, scores will be released in mid-May, and certificates will be distributed either in person or electronically.

Huge congratulations to all the award winners! A special thank you goes out to Mr. Luymes, Head of the Math Department, for his dedication in organizing math contest workshops and enabling CIC math enthusiasts to participate!

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