New Beginnings, New Resolutions!
August intake students of Columbia International College are setting the tone for an inspiring semester ahead.
Their inspiring words stand as a testament to their unwavering determination to conquer their goals.
They are gearing up to kick off their first day of school on a high note.
Our new students are kicking off the semester with a positive vibe. What’s more exhilarating than witnessing the start of a fresh journey towards a better future?
Meet Jiya, one of our new faces at CIC! 🇨🇦 Excitement fills the air as we embrace bright minds from around the world and anticipate future success stories at the start of this new semester.
With positivity, perseverance and strong people skills, Joe is ready to make a difference this Fall!
Amelia and Daisy, one of many fantastic sibling pairs at CIC, share their bond as they navigate their journey together. They’re not just sisters but study buddies. They talk about how sibling connection brings them strength and assurance as they step into a promising future.