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Twins Heading to Top Universities with Incredible Scholarships

By May 3, 2024May 6th, 2024No Comments

We are proud to share another mazing twin success story! Congratulations to Sarp and Derin Bilenoğlu, who joined CIC in 2021 and are now graduating with flying colors.

Sarp Bilenoğlu

  • University of Toronto, Rotman Commerce (Commerce)
  • University of Toronto, Mississauga (Commerce)
  • York University (Commerce)
  • York University (Business Economics (BA))
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (Business Management)
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (Economics & Finance)
  • Western University (Management & Organizational Studies)
  • Queens University (Arts/General Arts)
  • Carleton University (International Business)
  • Ontario Tech University (Business – Entrepreneurship (BCom) (Co-op))
  • Ontario Tech University (Business Marketing (co-op))
  • Ontario Tech University (Business – Commerce (BCom) (Co-op))
  • Total Scholarships: 129,000 CAD

Derin Bilenoğlu

  • University of Toronto, St. George (Social Sciences)
  • McGill University (Social Sciences)
  • McGill University – Desautels School of Management (Commerce)
  • University of Toronto: Mississauga (Social Sciences)
  • Western University (Social Sciences)
  • York University (Business Economics)
  • York University (Economics)
  • Queens University (Arts)
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (Economics & Finance)
  • Total Scholarships: 167,500 CAD

Their parents have traveled all the way to Hamilton to celebrate with them, eagerly anticipating the moment when they will walk across the stage together at the May Graduation Ceremony!

Mr. And Mrs. Bilenoğlu:

Derin and Sarp will enter a very good university with a very important achievement; they have worked hard for many years for this. What’s even more important is that they will grow up to be hardworking, honest, helpful, and kind-hearted adults. We are infinitely proud of both of them.

We know that CIC has played a significant role in this, as they are the driving force behind raising beautiful and successful children for the future. We thank my children and CIC for everything.


In my CIC journey that began in 2021, one of the biggest factors that made me feel at home despite the distance was being together with my twin brother, Sarp. Being twins is special; it means always having someone you can rely on and share everything with. While CIC offered support, having my twin with me was crucial; we always supported each other academically and socially.

CIC is a diverse school that provides numerous academic and extracurricular opportunities, such as DECA, the Student Council, and the High Achievers Club. These experiences not only broadened my horizons but also helped me prepare for university. I also want to mention the fantastic teachers at CIC who made learning enjoyable and made my final year memorable.


I want to thank CIC and my twin sister Derin for making my high school life easier. We took advantage of CIC’s extracurricular activities like DECA and elective courses to prepare for university.

During the summer breaks, we did internships to build our portfolios and took classes at Columbia University, one of the best universities in the world, to enhance our skills.

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