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Varsity soccer team wins gold

By March 12, 2015No Comments

Varsity soccer team wins gold

Earlier this week, the Varsity Boys Indoor Soccer team was presented with a championship plaque for their 1-0 win over Saltfleet Secondary School in the Hamilton-Wentworth Interscholastic Athletic Council (HWIAC) soccer final on March 3.

The team had an almost perfect season winning nine out of ten games and finishing at the top of their division with 27 points. The boys played exceptionally well, keeping calm and working as a team throughout the game. Jonathan Byron scored the only goal with the help of his teammates and the direction of the coaches.

Columbia is exceptionally proud of the team as they have reached the HWIAC final the past six years but have had trouble conceding goals. The win is a great achievement for the school and represents the support shown by the entire school community.

A special thank you to coach Mr. Erind, Mr. Freddy, and all the fans, especially Ms. Simpson, who supported the boys throughout the season.

Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Indoor Soccer team!

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