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Columbia College

Dr. Vincent Lam coming to Columbia

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Next week, Columbia International College will welcome celebrated Canadian author and medical doctor, Dr. Vincent Lam. As part of the English Department’s Guest Author Series, Dr. Lam will speak to students currently enrolled in Writer’s Craft and ENG4U courses. He also set aside time to be interviewed by the Columbia Chronicle, the student monthly newsletter, and to meet and take pictures with students.…
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March Madness

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Happy March Columbia! With the mid-winter break, extracurricular activities and a number of great community service opportunities, this month’s featured activities will delight students. The diverse programming also encourages students to try something new and allows them to appreciate the school’s diversity. (more…)
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Columbia and York University expand partnership

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Columbia International College is pleased to announce that is has expanded the conditions of its University Partners® agreement with York University. In addition to the existing four designated entrance scholarships ($2000 each) and priority attention from York’s International Admissions Officers, Columbia students will be offered three added unmatched entrance conditions: (more…)
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University supplementary applications

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Columbia International College is committed to helping its students succeed. Our Total Care® team works diligently to ensure that students succeed both academically and personally. As students begin to prepare their university applications, Columbia has been guiding and supporting them in the preparation of their supplementary university application. Helping our graduates prepare their supplementary applications is very important. With the help of…
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OSSLT parent guide

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Students across Ontario are preparing to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT), scheduled for March 26. The OSSLT will measure students’ reading and writing skills by testing their ability to understand, interpret, and apply the diverse concepts and material. As a provincial initiative administered by the Education Quality and Accountability Office –EQAO-, the Test promotes lifelong learning by developing…
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Important upcoming dates

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The Guidance Department would like to remind students about some important key dates coming up in February and March; FEBRUARY 9 - Progress Reports / Mid-term reports for 8-week courses 9 – 13 - 70% Fee Deferral - Students can withdraw from a course and defer 70% of the balance tuition fee (Certain Conditions Apply) 12- Last day for 8-week students to withdraw with…
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