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Columbia launches mobile app

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Columbia International College is launching a mobile app to enhance communication between the school, students and parents. The app will replace the traditional Student Planner typically distributed to students at the beginning of a new semester. Students and parents will be able to receive centralized information and instant access to school news, academic reports and social media feeds. (more…)
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Upcoming university visits

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Columbia is set to welcome over 20 universities from across Canada and abroad to its campus in the upcoming months as it conducts its fall university visit program. Organized by the University Placement Office (UPO), the information sessions are the best way for students to explore prospective post-secondary options and learn more about academic programs of interest as well as residence life.…
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A notice to parents

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September 5, 2014 Dear CIC Parents, The safety and security of our students and staff is a top priority for Columbia International College. We have been implementing a number of measures as part of a comprehensive plan aimed at ensuring our school remains a safe place for our students to learn. In addition to fire drills, one of the procedures…
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Safety tips for students

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The safety of students and staff at Columbia International College is our highest priority. We want to ensure that everyone practices proper safety techniques and avoids preventable injuries. We also want to ensure that our students know, understand, and obey local street and traffic rules. As such we want to remind students of simple practices to follow when crossing the…
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Spirited September

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  September is here and with it comes endless opportunities for new and returning students to immerse themselves in campus life. Whether it is joining a new club, participating in residence activities, or attending a weekend trip, events this month are sure to generate rave reviews from students. (more…)
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Sodexo introduces family style dining

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  Columbia’s food service provider Sodexo is introducing family style dining in Residence! Beginning this weekend, Sunday, August 31, students will be able to enjoy a sit-down meal with friends and roommates. They will be served delicious main and side dishes brought to their tables on platters and in serving bowls. (more…)
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Students attend club fair

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Columbia’s Student Development department is thrilled that students are back in class so all their great clubs and extracurricular activities can begin! Yesterday, Columbia held the first of two Club Fair sessions. Students eagerly flocked to the Ainsliewood Gym after school to learn about all the more than 70 clubs offered at school and in residence. (more…)
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Columbia grads studying EngSci at U of T

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Columbia is thrilled to announce that six of its 2013/2014 graduates have been accepted into one of the world’s most selective engineering programs; Engineering Science at the University of Toronto. The "EngSci" program attracts top students from over 19 countries and is “one of the most selective and advanced engineering programs offered in the world.” (more…)
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